Paralyzed Patient Feels Again by Growing the Brain Back

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Renewed feeling (Image: Medical Images/Getty Images

For the offset time, people with broken spines accept recovered feeling in previously paralysed areas after receiving injections of neural stem cells.

Iii people with paralysis received injections of 20 million neural stem cells direct into the injured region of their spinal cord. The cells, acquired from donated fetal brain tissue, were injected between four and eight months afterwards the injuries happened. The patients also received a temporary course of immunosuppressive drugs to limit rejection of the cells.

None of the three felt any sensation below their nipples before the treatment. 6 months after therapy, 2 of them had sensations of affect and heat between their breast and abdomen button. The third patient has non seen any alter.


"The fact nosotros've seen responses to light affect, heat and electric impulses so far downwardly in two of the patients is very unexpected," says Stephen Huhn of StemCells, the visitor in Newark, California, developing and testing the treatment. "They're really close to normal in those areas at present in their sensitivity," he adds.

"We are very intrigued to meet that patients have gained considerable sensory function," says Armin Short of Balgrist University Hospital in Zurich, Switzerland, where the patients were treated, and master investigator in the trial.

The data are preliminary, but "these sensory changes suggest that the cells may be positively impacting recovery", says Short, who presented the results today in London at the annual meeting of the International Spinal Cord Social club.

Persistent gains

The patients are the start three of 12 who will eventually receive the therapy. The remaining recipients will have less extensive paralysis.

"The sensory gains, first detected at three months post-transplant, have now persisted and evolved at half dozen months subsequently transplantation," says Huhn. "We conspicuously need to collect much more information to demonstrate efficacy, but our results and then far provide a stiff rationale to persevere with the clinical development of our stalk cells for spinal injury," he says.

"Nosotros demand to proceed monitoring these patients to see if feeling continues to affect lower segments of their bodies," says Huhn. "These are results later on only vi months, and we will follow these patients for many years."

Huhn says that the company has "compelling data" from animate being studies that the donated cells can repair nerves inside broken spines (Neurological Research, DOI: 10.1179/016164106X115116).

There could exist several reasons why the stalk cells improve sensitivity, says Huhn. They might help to restore myelin insulation to damaged fretfulness, improving the communication of signals to and from the brain. Or they could be enhancing the function of existing nerves, replacing them entirely or reducing the inflammation that hampers repair.

Abased trial

The announcement comes almost a yr after the globe'southward simply other trial to examination stem cells for spinal injury was suspended. Geron of Menlo Park, California, had injected neural stalk cells derived from embryonic stem cells into 4 people with spinal injuries when it announced that it was going to focus on cancer therapies instead. The visitor also abandoned its other stalk-jail cell programmes combating diabetes, eye illness and arthritis.

Huhn hopes that the results from the StemCells trial will revive the enthusiasm that evaporated following Geron'southward bombshell. "Information technology's the kickoff time we've seen a betoken of some beneficial effect, then we're moving in the right direction, and towards a proof of concept," he says.

The news was welcomed past other pioneers of neural stem-cell research. "Information technology looks encouraging and has some parallels with what we've seen in our trial in stroke patients," says Michael Hunt, CEO of ReNeuron, in Guildford, UK, which in 2010 became the first company in the world to care for strokes with stem cells.

"They appear to be making progress, and that'southward good for the stalk-cell field generally, and for neural stem-cell research in particular," says Hunt. He says that vii people who have had strokes take now been treated, and that some accept shown signs of functional improvement without adverse furnishings.

"It'south early days, and we are proceeding charily before hopefully moving to more noun trials," says Chase.

"These initial data certainly indicate that stem-cell transplantation may assistance remediate some of the severe functional loss associated with spinal cord injury," says George Bittner of the University of Texas at Austin, who has developed a polymer-based arrangement for rapid treatment of damaged nerves.

But, he says, a single mode of treatment is unlikely to exist enough to restore office after spinal cord injuries. We will need "combinations of approaches including stem cells, polymer-based treatments, retraining and physical therapy".

Other researchers were intrigued but cautious. "It's work in progress," says Wagih El Masri, a spinal specialist at the Midlands Centre for Spinal Injuries in Oswestry, UK, who attended Brusk'due south presentation. "We need larger numbers of patients treated to confirm whether this interesting finding has any time to come."

He says that about 3 per cent of patients show similar improvements spontaneously at well-nigh 6 months, but seldom beyond that. Testing the therapy on patients who were injured more than than six months earlier would help to confirm that the stem cells are responsible for the results.

More on these topics:

  • stalk cells


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